Erectile Dysfunction Clinic

Take the IIEF-5 Self Assessment Questionnaire

  • ED is the persistent inability to attain and/or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance • ED is caused by various vascular, neuronal, hormonal and metabolic factors, mediated by endothelial and smooth-muscle dysfunction • Although most causes of ED are physical, some are due to psychosexual issues; nevertheless, all patients with ED should have a history, examination and investigations performed, even if a psychological cause is suspected • ED is a cardiovascular (CV) risk factor, posing a risk equivalent to that of current, moderate smoking • ED is also an important marker for future CV events, with symptoms occurring some 3–5 years before an event2,3 • The physical and psychosocial effects of ED can significantly affect the quality of life of patients and their partners4

  • The risk factors for ED are similar to those for cardiovascular disease (CVD):2,3– Older age– Sedentary lifestyle– Obesity– Dyslipidaemia– Metabolic syndrome– Diabetes– Smokin

  • Increasing awareness regarding the availability of safe and effective oral drugs for ED,5–7 has led to more men seeking help for this condition, which facilitates the early detection of

    Diabetes (ED may be the first symptom in up to 20% of men)

    Dyslipidaemia (may not require treatment according to primary prevention guidelines, but may be a major reversible component in ED)

    Occult cardiac disease (in an otherwise asymptomatic man, ED may be a marker for underlying coronary artery disease)

    Testosterone deficiency (TD; a reversible cause of ED that may not require specific ED treatment, and which also has other long-term health implications)

    Associated lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)/benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) (ED and LUTS severity are closely related, and treatments for one condition may beneficially or adversely affect the other)

  • Description text goes here
  • You will be required to return back for a 3-6 monthly follow-up at our clinic for review of your treatment and your blood test parameters

Step 1 = Self-Filled Screening and Health Questionnaire (Home)

You will be contacted by one of our clinical team members for your telehealth appointment including a screening questionnaire, health questionnaire and coordination of any biochemical blood testing.

Step 2 : First Physical or Virtual Appointment with Doctor (30 mins)

Upon receipt of your information, we will schedule an appointment with our doctors to discuss a management plan which may require lifestyle management, medications, physical intervention or psychotherapy (e-based or in person).

Step 3 : Follow-Up + Next Steps

If mutually agreable, we will schedule a follow up appointment within 4-6 weeks to reassess treatment response, and offer additional therapy if conjunction with you. This may include some of the treatments listed on the FAQ section above.

“It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves” - Sir Edmund Hillary